FLT-060 Ritual Howls - A Safe Haven From The Sun


Ritual Howls
A Safe Haven From The Sun”


Released: November 1, 2019

01. A Safe Haven From The Sun

 Ritual Howls create a cinematic blend of twangy industrial-rock that could fuel a post-apocalyptic dancefloor. A collaboration between Paul Bancell (vocals, guitar), Chris Samuels (synth, samples, drum machine), and Ben Saginaw (bass), the Detroit trio released their fourth full-length Rendered Armor in March this year, creating expansive arrangements sculpted with masterful production.

Ritual Howls' new single "Safe Haven From The Sun" is taken from the Rendered Armor sessions. Lead singer/guitarist Paul Bancell explains, "When I was a boy I would stare at the forest. I would look at all of the tiny places between the trees and long to live there. A safe place, a haven. As I get older, the falsehoods I’ve been fed continue to reveal themselves and at times I still stare into the trees. The thick, dark green – a safe haven from the sun."